Learning & Teaching Assistant (LTA)

LTA Expectations (Roles and Responsibles)

The job scope of the Teacher Assistant (TA) is as follows:

  • The LTA is to carry out their specific scope as assigned by the school
  • The three key areas are Learning Support, Special Programmes and Resource Management.
  • The LTAs function as a Teacher aid/co-teacher in areas such as care for the children, after-school activities, morning/recess/lunch duties, activities and school events.

Students’ well-being

  • Provide Care
  • Be Attentive to the needs of the child, develop the child, not do everything for them.
  • Need to guide them first as some children are more independent than others.
  • Guide the children in learning and independent skills
  • Conflict management

Morning Duty (Preschool)

  • Assemble at the front gate to receive the children.
  • Check overall well-being of the children
  • Check their attire/personal grooming

 Morning Duty (Primary)

  • Assemble at the front gate/assembly area to receive the children.
  • Ensure children go to the toilet before 8.15 am
  • Check their attire/personal grooming
  • Ensure children in class on time
  • Lining up/seated properly at all times

During Lessons

  • Assist the teachers with the work given to the children
    • Assist / guide children when worksheets are being completed (not give them the answers but guide them to finding the answer) or when doing classwork
  • Be polite and not to question the teachers in front of the children
  • Oversee student movement between classes (e.g. mandarin and PE)
    • Ensure students to be quiet, so that they do not disturb other classes. Ask the teacher to help if the children do not listen to you.
    • Be in time for the next lesson (avoid releasing the children too early or too late)
  • If not sure, always clarify with the teachers
  • Speak to Head of School/Principal if not sure


  • Oversee student toilet routine and handwashing
  • Check that children to wipe and clean themselves well, assist the children if necessary
  • Ensure children go in pairs for safety reasons.

Morning Snack/Lunch Time

  • Ensure children wash their hands
  • Guide the children to go to the toilet
  • Teach them to dry themselves up
  • Canteen and outdoor play duties – need to be vigilant at all times
  • One LTA has break time 11 to 12 and the other from 1 to 2 pm or as long as there is one LTA in class at any point in time.

Sick Child

  • Take sick/unwell students to the school nurse
  • If seizure, follow SOP
  • Do not allow children to go to sick bay alone

End of Day

  • Daily cleaning up and tidying up of the classroom, materials and school manipulatives/toys and preparation of materials/resources
  • Oversee that all students take their phonics words, homework books and reading books home everyday – teachers to train group leaders to assist the TAs.
  • TAs to assist teachers in monitoring the reading levels of the children.
  • Check & get students to tidy their lockers before the end of the day
  • Check student stationery daily – fetch more stationery from admin if necessary, pencils etc to ensure that each student does not run out of stationery etc.
  • Collect stationery and Art supplies for the class from Admin.
  • Water bottles to go home daily (teachers to reinforce with the children, LTAs to assist in monitoring).
  • School caps to go home every Friday for washing LTAs to assist in monitoring.
  • LTAs to ensure that the children are fetched correctly by the right parents at all times, assist the security during pick up time.

Support for Teachers

  • photocopy, laminate, help file worksheets in students’ files (teach older children to file themselves with your monitoring).
  • Basic computer skills – find theme related pictures and print the same if asked to do so by the teacher.
  • Preparation for learning resources


  • Ensure all children’s items are labelled.
  • Always check before deciding to do anything different from the instructions given to you.


Learning support to students

Co-teach with teachers (when appropriate, case by case)


  • Open to feedback
  • Willing to learn
  • Willing to contribute
  • Willing to ask questions
  • Positive and not being calculative
  • Have initiative to assist/help the teachers and colleagues


Training to be given

WS and excel



Please fill out this form to start the application process. Kindly ensure that your Resume and Motivation Letter are neatly organised in PDF Format and must include a photo. Applications that do not meet these basic requirements may be subjected to automatic disqualification.