We offer preschool programmes from ages 18 months to 5 years old and primary school programmes from ages 5 years old to 11 years old. For primary school, the academic level starts from Year 1 (age 5-6) to Year 6 (age 10-11).
For more information on the age group/class placement, please refer to

Approximately 28 nationalities are represented in our school.

Every class will go on one field trip each year that is linked to the learning goals of the curriculum.
There will also be residential trips from Year 4 onwards.
Despite being an affordable and “no-frills” school, we provide a range of facilities that ensure good quality education in a safe environment. Classrooms have an abundance of natural light and are equipped with teaching aids that encourage collaborative work. The Primary Campus facilities include a football field, eco-garden, canteen, coffee corner, library, outdoor playground and a rock wall, while the preschool campus facilities include eco-garden, canteen, library, outdoor playground, swimming pool and water play area.
The abundance of greenery and common spaces surrounding the building also helps to promote outdoor learning and interaction.
For more information, please refer to
We also partner with Anne Hill Enrichment Centre to provide after-school activities at specialized facilities such as the dance studio, auditorium and multi-purpose classrooms.
Our Schedule of Fees is available on the website:
A one-time non-refundable registration fee is applicable for new students and re-enrollments.

Your child may start school upon fulfilment of the enrolment process. This includes the payment of fees (registration fee and tuition fees) and completion of the medical health check. Kindly note that the start date may be subject to change should there be a delay in any of the above procedures. 

For more information kindly refer to


PRESCHOOL - Curriculum & Subject

At AHI Preschool, we aim to develop our students to be global citizens. As such, we offer a vibrant curriculum that focuses on the engagement and holistic development of the child.
These are part of our preschool curriculum:
  • IEYC (International Early Years Curriculum from UK (Fieldworks) for the thematic lessons.
  • Montessori
  • Jolly Phonics
  • Numicon for Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Moral Education/Life Skills
  • 2nd Language (Vietnamese and Mandarin)
All classes are conducted in English with the exception of 2nd Language which will be conducted in Mandarin and Vietnamese.
We are very proud to have over 28 nationalities represented in our school. As your child is at an age where they can pick up languages easily and are constantly immersed in an English-speaking environment, we believe that your child will be able to pick up the English language. In preparation for school, kindly expose your child to the English language in their daily life and learn to use basic common phrases/words. Should there be any concerns, please contact our principal for further discussion.

PRESCHOOL - Enrolment/Class

This means that the year group for your child is currently full and we will contact you as soon as a spot opens up. The waiting time will depend on the size of the waiting list.

Yes. Anne Hill International School reserves the right to request additional information from your child’s previous school in order to gather more details about your child’s academic and developmental progress. Our Admissions & Student Care team will be in contact with you during the admissions process.

New students will be assessed/evaluated on their speaking, listening, reading, maths, and social skills to determine which year group they are best suited to, and what additional supports they may need.

PRESCHOOL - Well-being/Student care

There is no nap time for half-day students because they leave after lunch. For full-day students, nap time is about 1 and a half hours.
Preschool (Half-Day) and Primary School – Morning Snack and Lunch are included.
Preschool (Full-Day) – Morning Snack, Lunch and Afternoon Snacks are included.

We serve a mixture of Asian and Western cuisines. We are able to cater to vegetarians and students with allergies or other dietary requirements. We do not serve pork or pork-related food.

We do not force students to try new food; however, we will encourage them to try. If children refuse to eat anything at lunchtime, we will aim to find alternative food and inform parents.

We take allergies very seriously; hence, the school is a nut-free environment. Similarly, we do not allow sweet confectionery during school hours in order to encourage healthy eating habits.

The AHI uniform is a means of showing our identity and school pride to the wider community. It also helps students recognise the importance of practical and safe school wear. Students of all ages are required to wear their uniforms to campus at all times provided by the school. Students are also required to observe the following shoe policy:
 Preschool: Closed shoes, no flip flops/sandals
Primary School: Closed black sports shoes
Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for more information on the outfit which is permitted on campus.
Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for more information at


Half-day means that the students will attend school from 8.15 am – 12.30 (pick-up time 12.00 to 12.30 pm) pm.
Full-day means that students attend school from 8.15 am – 5.00 pm (pick-up time 4.00 – 5.00).  
The school gate closes at 5 pm except for after-school care service till 6.00 pm
A billing invoice will be issued. Please ensure that you pay the school fees by the specified deadline. Your child will be able to start school once the enrolment process requirements are fulfilled. These requirements include the payment of fees (including the registration fee and tuition fees) as well as the completion of a medical health check. Please note that the school start date might be subject to change if there is any delay in the aforementioned procedures.


PRIMARY - Curriculum and Subjects

The AHI Primary School curriculum follows the Cambridge International Primary Programme, complemented by the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).
The emphasis is on hands-on and inquiry-based learning. This includes laying the foundation for conceptual understanding and application in real-life situations. Subjects taught include English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), PE, Art, Music, and 2nd Language. Within the IPC, students will cover a variety of themes, through which they will study Geography, History, Art, Technology, International, and Health and Wellbeing.
Global mindedness, social and emotional development and the teaching of our school’s values are embedded in the whole school curriculum, including school assemblies.
Please refer to for more information.
For more information on the age group/class placement, please refer to:

AHI Primary School does not follow the Montessori curriculum but will follow the Cambridge International Primary School Programme and International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Nevertheless, the philosophy of Montessori – independent skills and hands-on learning – is emphasised in primary teaching and learning as well. This especially applies to IPC because it adopts a self-inquiry and hands-on learning approach.

The Cambridge Subjects are – Math, English and Science.
Within the IPC, students study Geography, History, Art, Music, Technology, Health and Wellbeing, and International.
The Cambridge International Primary Programme is adopted across 1800 primary schools in over 95 countries worldwide.
With a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy skills, and with the right values and learning attitudes, AHI is confident that your child will be successful in their next school.
At AHI, we follow the UK system for naming classes. Year 2 is the equivalent of Grade 1 in the US system in terms of age and curriculum content.
Please refer to for actual class placement.

For any students requiring additional support with English, they are eligible to join our EAL Program (English as an Additional Language). For intensive support, parents can also opt for additional English lessons at a fee.

Checkpoint/formal assessment is conducted at Year 6. There are stringent checks by Cambridge to ensure that the school is ready for the standardised assessment across different countries.
At the end of Year 6, students will take the Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations in English, Maths and Science. These are marked externally and students will receive a certificate of achievement which is recognised worldwide.

PRIMARY - 2nd Languages

Vietnamese class is compulsory for students of Vietnamese nationality. For other international students, they can choose to study either Vietnamese or Mandarin (lessons for both Vietnamese and Mandarin run concurrently).
Students are able to take additional language classes during Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).

The Vietnamese language and the country’s culture will be taught during the class. For Year 6 onwards, students will also learn about Geography and History of Vietnam. 

Please refer to for more information.

English is the main teaching medium for all subjects with the exception of 2nd Language. Currently, Vietnamese Language & Culture (VLC) and Mandarin are offered as 2nd Languages. More languages may be offered in the future.

PRIMARY - Enrolment

This means that the year group for your child is currently full and we will contact you as soon as a spot opens up. The waiting time will depend on the size of the waiting list.

Yes. Anne Hill International School reserves the right to request additional information from your child’s previous school in order to gather more details about your child’s academic and developmental progress. Our Admissions & Student Care team will be in contact with you during the admissions process.

New students will be assessed/evaluated on their speaking, listening, reading, maths, and social skills to determine which year group they are best suited to, and what additional supports they may need.

PRIMARY - Teacher & CCAs/After-School Activities

We provide a variety of activities. Students may choose to change the CCAs every once a semester. However, for skill-based CCAs, commitment to the CCAs for one year is strongly encouraged. Tuition Fees do not cover CCAs. 
For more information please refer to

No, they are not compulsory. Students may leave at 3 pm if they do not enrol for a CCA. However, we strongly encourage students to participate for all-rounded development. These CCAs are specially chosen to appeal to different interests and passions.

Registration details will be shared when your child enrols at the school. You may reach out to

The school has 9 core values (personal learning goals) which are embedded in the whole school curriculum. These are chosen based on the characteristics and aptitudes which children need to be successful both now and in the future.

PRIMARY - Facilities/Others

Every class will go on one field trip each year that is linked to the learning goals of the curriculum.
There will also be residential trips from Year 4 onwards.

PRIMARY - Student Well-Being

Morning Snack and Lunch are included. Children are required to bring their own Afternoon Snacks from home or order from Ms. Ruby’s cafe.

We serve a mixture of Asian and Western cuisines. We are able to cater to vegetarians and students with allergies or other dietary requirements. We do not serve pork or pork-related food.

We do not force students to try new food; however, we will encourage them to try. If children refuse to eat anything at lunchtime, we will aim to find alternative food and inform parents.

We take allergies very seriously; hence, the school is a nut-free environment. Similarly, we do not allow sweet confectionery during school hours in order to encourage healthy eating habits.

We only allow outside food to be brought in for afternoon snack time. A small quantity of an easy and healthy snack such as a small sandwich, carrots or a packet of milk is strongly encouraged. However, we do not have any storage facilities, therefore children need to bring something suitable for storing in their bags. Food with traces of nuts/nut oils/nut milk, confectionery, sweets, crisps, cakes, and sugary/fizzy drinks are not allowed to be brought to school. For more information, please refer to our Parent-Student Handbook.
As the meals provided by the school are already included as part of the school fees, we seek your understanding that we will not be able to remove the cost of meals from the school fee.

Children in preschool can be picked up from 4-5 pm. 

For primary school students to be picked up between 4-5 pm, they will need to participate in a CCA activity and/or join the after-school care programme from 3-4 pm.

The AHI uniform is a means of showing our identity and school pride to the wider community. It also helps students recognise the importance of practical and safe school wear. Students of all ages are required to wear their uniforms to campus at all times provided by the school. Students are also required to observe the following shoe policy:
 Preschool: Closed shoes, no flip flops/sandals
Primary School: Closed black sports shoes
Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for more information on the outfit which is permitted on campus.

AHI has fully qualified nurses on staff in the sick bay area. If it is deemed that a student is too unwell to remain in school or if further medical treatment is required, parents or a designated guardian will be contacted directly.

PRIMARY - Payment

The Admissions & Student Care team will:
  • Start the enrolment process
  • Arrange for a school tour and assessment
  • Check the availability of the class and potential start date
Your child will be placed on the waiting list if the class is full.
Upon successful enrolment, you will be sent a link to an online registration form where all necessary documents can be uploaded and submitted.
Please refer to for more information.

Note: Primary School students will be assessed on their academics (Literacy and Numeracy) and readiness to learn (physical, mental and psychological readiness of the student).
Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for more information at