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Primary School

For class/school specific resources, please refer to the Anne Hill’s Class Dojo.

Parent's Corner

For class/school specific resources,
please refer to the Anne Hill’s Class Dojo.

Personal Development:  [75 Things To Do While At Home]   [Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest] 

Well-Being: [12 Things To Do When You Are Feeling Strong Emotions – Feeling Overwhelmed]

Food: [#SGEatWithUs]  [Superfood Recipes]

As an additional learning resource, Anne Hill International School has partnered with STEMWerkz. STEMWerkz is an annual subscription to a programme that contains hundreds of interactive presentations, enrichment lessons and role-playing games for students to improve their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). It is most suitable for students from ages 5 to 12 years old.

StemWerkz Subscription

Parents may purchase and sign-up for this annual subscription at:

Please use the code AHIVIETP2021 to get 30% off the regular annual pricing. This referall code is applicable to the public. You may use this code even if your child is not enrolled at AHI. 

For AHI students and parents, please contact our administrator for another exclusive code that provides a recurring discount. 


Helping the community

The main purpose of this initiative is to bring the community together to show gratitude towards people who are fighting against the spread of COVID-19. In difficult times like this, it is important for us, regardless of countries, to say together as one!

Look out for this page again to see how you can contribute!