Primary School Parent-Student Handbook

Dear Parents,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Anne Hill International School for the new school year.

With the aim of providing high-quality international education and helping every child to feel safe and successful, there are several key principles that are known to be effective.

These include having a shared vision of the learner, providing a rigorous curriculum, creating a safe and stimulating environment, and building supportive and nurturing relationships.

It can also be said that children learn best when they like their teachers and have friends in school; feel safe and supported, at school and home; understand the relevance and/or importance of what they are learning; have a genuine interest in what they are learning; feel appropriately challenged; and they are able to make some choices about what and how they learn.

In today’s world, it is also increasingly important that learners are helped to develop positive attitudes towards the challenge, encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for their own learning, and helped to see learning as an enjoyable life-long process.

Together with you, I look forward to achieving these goals; the presence of a strong home-school partnership is so important to a child’s education so I encourage you to “get involved” with school in as many ways as you can.

I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you. 

Brendan Hearne

Primary Principal

Mr. Brendan Hearne

Primary Principal

Meet Our Team

We have a team of qualified and experienced teaching staff who work closely with the children and their families to create strong relationships based on mutual respect. All our class teachers are English-speaking speakers, fully trained and qualified, with experience working in a range of educational settings.

At AHI, teachers work closely with their Vietnamese colleagues to ensure consistency in approaches and a cohesive learning experience for the children in English. We believe that the partnership between school and home is fundamental to the success of each student’s school experience.

The role of Teaching and Learning Assistants (LTA) is to provide support for student learning in various educational settings. This will include working in conjunction with the teacher supporting the classroom, as well as leading smaller groups, pairs or individual students when required.

For the full AHI faculty, please refer to:


At AHI, the process of learning is very important to us for it ensures that our students develop the skills and attributes that will help them to become independent and flexible learners that are prepared for the 21st century. Our aim is to make learning meaningful so that children are empowered, inspired and motivated to become independent learners. This means an effective teacher-student ratio taught by an academic team of qualified teachers from different parts of the world.

Active learning is achieved through hands-on, exploratory and inquiry-based activities, individual tasks and group work. We believe in holistic approaches to learning that nurture a balanced student life.

We hope to create a connected community for students, teachers, parents and beyond. AHI also recognises the importance of the performing arts to enrich and support all areas of the curriculum. This helps students to develop creative ways of communicating and expressing their ideas and feelings. We allow students to explore and develop their talents through opportunities within the school and the greater community, including performances for their families during the year.

Our vision is to nurture well-rounded, globally-minded, lifelong learners.

  • ‘Well-rounded’ recognises the need for personal learning and international learning, not just subject learning.
  • ‘Globally minded’ recognises the need for students to learn about the wider world and our place in it.
  • ‘Lifelong learners’ recognises that we live in a rapidly changing society and children of today need to acquire the attitudes and skills that are needed to be successful as learners, not simply successful in learning.

As such, our mission is to deliver affordable, high-quality international education in a safe and caring environment. We believe in creating a nurturing space for students to grow and express themselves while learning how to collaborate with others in this globalised world.

School is where children begin understanding what it means to be a member of an interconnected and global community. Global citizenship is an underlying element of our school programmes. Our primary school values include:

  • Empathetic
  • Respectful
  • Humble
  • Ethical
  • Resilient
  • Communicator
  • Adaptable
  • Collaborator
  • Thinker

Our curriculum adheres to high international standards that prepare students for a rapidly changing world thanks to an innovative, comprehensive cross-curricular programme that delivers the subjects:

  • AHI is registered as a Cambridge International School and is following the Cambridge International Primary Programme framework and standards for core subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science
  • Additionally, AHI support subject learning through the use of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), which utilises an inquiry-based and student-centred approach to learning. Students engage in a number of themed topics covering a range of subjects (Geography, History, Art, Music, Technology, Healthy & Wellbeing) and along three key learning areas (Academic, Personal and International)

For more information on the Cambridge International programmes and Cambridge Pathway, please refer to:

The AHI curriculum also adheres to the Vietnamese national requirements for the primary years as outlined by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education, specifically for the Vietnamese language, history and culture programme.

International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

Anne Hill International School is an IPC Membership School. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) supports our vision and provides a highly engaging, cross-curricular and internationally-minded curriculum. The IPC’s thematic units of learning are designed to appeal to children’s interests and help them to learn more about the world around them. Learners engage in exciting, globally relevant thematic units of work that help students engage in learning from multiple perspectives.

The Units of Learning provide the activities through which the Learning Goals are converted into exciting learning opportunities for children. Themed units help children to see how subjects are both independent and interdependent. This enables them to see the big picture of their learning, and make connections.

For more information, please refer to:

Subjects taught at AHI Primary School include:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Music
  • Art & Design
  • Physical Education
  • 2nd Language (Mandarin or Vietnamese)
  • International Primary Curriculum (IPC)/Theme-based Learning

Second Language

For more information on the student aims, key areas and learning approach for each subject, please refer to the AHI Primary School Age-Related Expectations in the Curriculum Guide.

English is the main teaching medium for all subjects with the exception of 2nd Language. Currently, Vietnamese Language & Culture (VLC) and Mandarin are offered as 2nd Languages.

Vietnamese class is compulsory for students of Vietnamese nationality. For other international students, they can choose to study either Vietnamese or Mandarin (lessons for both Vietnamese and Mandarin run concurrently).

Lessons are conducted three times a week, for a duration of an hour or more, depending on the year level.  Students will either learn the second language at the standard level or basic level.  The class allocation of the child (basic or standard class) will be based on the following (by the language teachers) on class assessments and observations on the student’s learning in class.

For students who are from other countries and are not familiar with the Vietnamese language and/or Mandarin, they will learn Mandarin/Vietnamese at the basic level, focusing on understanding the language and conversing using the language. Currently, Mandarin is only offered at the basic level for Years 1 and 2.

Parents are expected to commit to their child’s language choice for the entire school year. Students are able to take additional language classes during Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).

Sample Timetable Primary.pdf

The school timetable will be given to the students on the first day of school and is posted on the door to each classroom.

Please note that the morning break/lunch and weekly duration of each subject may differ depending on each year level.

Assessment is a fundamental part of AHI’s educational model as it supports teachers with planning the learning phases that will follow, providing each student with the appropriate strategies and skills. In addition to academic observations, the student’s social/emotional, cognitive/intellectual and physical progress will be observed, assessed and recorded throughout the year. This information is conveyed to parents during parent-teacher meetings.

Assessment is carried out for two main purposes: assessment for learning (formative) and assessment of learning (summative).

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment refers to the daily informal practices that teachers do with learners to evaluate how will children are learning and their readiness for the next stage of learning. Formative assessments may include observations, Q&A, children’s work, children’s self-reflections, written responses on mini whiteboards or exit tickets, and mini projects. Assessment for learning may also involve learners receiving descriptive feedback during the learning process. This feedback allows the teacher and learner to adjust what they are doing in order to improve.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment refers to a formal assessment that is typically used at the end of a period of learning and is used to measure how well learners have performed in comparison to an external standard.

Student Assessment Report

Written formative and summative assessments reflecting the child’s progress will be issued at the end of the academic year. AHI will provide feedback on students in relation to pre-set targets and goals.

Class Allocation is based on the following criteria:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Learning/Behaviour needs


AHI reserve the right to respectfully but consistently decline any parental requests to change class allocation or teacher at any stage throughout the year.

2. Preparation for School


Things to do/receive

Submission Deadline


Please ensure that all requested recommendation forms and/or reports from previous schools are submitted on time. You may be requested to fill in and submit an AHI Recommendation Form as below.

 AHI Recommendation Form (UPDATE)

Any delay in the submission of the documents above may result in a delayed school start date.


AHI Health Check & Medical Record Form

The school will sponsor all new students for this general health check. A complimentary voucher for each child’s health check will be issued to parents upon confirmation of enrollment.

Important Note – The form has to be completed by parents and the clinic’s doctor. Please bring a hard copy of the form, your child’s immunisation record and the complimentary voucher to Raffles Medical and American International Hospital on the day of your child’s health check. Parents will be required to accompany the child to the health check. The child should be in good health before presenting for his/her health check at the clinic.

Health Check Location: Raffles Medical International Clinic, HCMC or American International Hospital (advanced appointment bookings via the clinic’s telephone or email will be required)

Raffles Medical International Clinic

  • Adress: 285B Dien Bien Phu, Distric 3, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Hotline: (028) 3824 0777
  • Email:
  • Working date: Monday – Friday (8:00am-18:00pm) & Saturday (8:00am-17:00pm)
  • 24/7 Emergency: Call *1155
American International Hospital 
  • Adress: 199 Nguyen Hoang, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Hotline: (028) 3824 0777
  • Email:
  • Working date: Monday – Friday (8:00am-17:00pm) & Saturday (8:00am-12:00pm)
  • 24/7 Emergency: Call *1155


Submission of health check reports for newly enrolled students will be required before the 1st day of school (for new students).

The school will have the right to cease the enrolment if the health check is not submitted within 30 days of the enrolment. Parents are required to submit the original hard copy of the completed form to the school.

 The school and Raffles Medical reserve the right to keep a copy of the child’s medical record within their premises; however, sharing and submission of medical records can only be done by the parents.

This is to uphold patient confidentiality on both sides.



Vaccination Policy

All students registering at AHI must have the essential vaccination, as recommended by the doctor, to ensure the health and safety of themselves and the school community. Moreover, they need to have their vaccination documents approved and updated by the school. Please refer to the health check form for details of the essential vaccination required.

To ensure the well-being of both students and the broader community, the school reserves the right to decline enrolment for a student who has not received the necessary vaccinations.



AHI Health Booklet

All AHI students will be given an AHI Health Booklet. The Health Booklet includes the following:

  • Medical Health Check Result
  • Health Tracking
  • Tracking Irregular Changes in Health
  • Accident Report

Student Health Booklet will be shown to parents twice/year in September and January during Parent Teacher Meetings and collected on the same day.




Parents will need to complete their child’s registration by registering their account on the school’s STAR PORTAL. A registration link will be sent to your email. Please follow the registration steps and upload all necessary documents.

Parents are responsible for updating their personal information on the STAR PORTAL including any changes to personal contact information, authorisation, allergies, dietary requirements and other student details. Please ensure that your latest email address is updated on the STAR PORTAL. A reminder email will be sent to parents every six months, and it is the parent’s responsibility to update the portal should there be a change in any information.




The following number of uniforms will be provided FOR FREE at the beginning of the academic year:

Additional uniforms can be purchased at the AHI Uniform Shop. Students must wear the appropriate school uniform every day when they are at school including caps, shoes, socks, jumpers and other outerwear and accessories. For more information, please refer to the Dress Code section of School Life of the Parent-Student Handbook. AHI school caps, socks and jumpers are available for purchase at the AHI Uniform Shop.

Personal Items – What to Bring?

All items brought to school must be labelled with the child’s name.

  • School bag
  • Easy-to-wear face masks (when necessary)
  • Water bottle
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and mug – personalised for easier recognition
  • Healthy afternoon snack
  • School cap
  • Non-slip slippers (toes-covered) for indoor wear – these will be placed in the shoe cabinet in the hall
  • Extra set of uniforms (optional)
  • Mosquito repellent and sun cream (recommended) – we will keep these in the school and use them daily
  • Homework file (provided by the teacher)
  • Readers/storybooks
  • Pencil case and stationery (to be given by the school)

All water bottles, towels and clothing are to be brought home daily for washing for hygiene purposes. Please label all children’s uniforms and personal items.


3. Campus Life

Please refer to the school calendar on our website for more details on holidays and events:

  • 8.15 am – 3.00 pm (without CCAs)
  • 8.15 am – 4.00 pm (with CCAs)
  • 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm (Afterschool Care Service)

*Afterschool Care Service from 5.00 – 6.00 pm needs to be booked at least one week in advance.

The class teacher will provide parents with the class timetable for any new enrolment or if there is any change to the timetable. Please reach out to the class teacher if you have not received the timetable

Drop-off Procedure

  1. The student drop-off time and supervision will start at 7.45 am as gates will only be open then.
  2. For parents dropping off their children at our school, please note that it is mandatory for you to accompany your child up until the health check at the school gate.
  3. Students are expected to be at school by 8.15 am as attendance will be taken in class before the lesson starts.
  4. Students are expected to bring their tap cards at all times.
  5. Students who are taking school buses, need to wear their tap cards before entering the bus.
  6. Students who enter school after 8.15 am will be considered late for school.

Late drop-off procedures apply. For information about the late drop-off procedure, you may refer to this LINK

Pick-up Procedure

  1. All parents who are picking up their children are responsible for ensuring that their child is safe and punctually picked up from our school. All children will be guided to the designated pick-up areas. Please ensure that your child is picked up at 12 noon – 12.30 pm (half-day) or 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm (full-day).
  2. Please inform our Student Care Team if you are unable to pick up your child on time and the approximate time that you will be able to pick them up on the day. They will automatically take part in our After School Care service (see After School Care section).
  3. Parents are required to enter the Preschool Campus with the tap cards to pick up their children.
  4. Students may only leave at the end of the school day with their parent(s), authorised guardians (e.g., nanny/relative/driver) or on the school bus.
  5. Early/Late pick-up procedures apply. For information about the late drop-off procedure, you may refer to this LINK
  6. If parents/authorised guardians are unable to pick up their child, at least one parent MUST inform the Student Care Team of an alternate arrangement to pick up the child in writing (via admin email or hotline number) by morning time or 6 hours in advance. In such cases, the parent must provide:
    1. Identification document (ID);
    2. photo;
    3. and the phone number of the person picking up the child
  7. Our school will not release any child to any person without prior consent from the parent. This also includes parents of other children attending the school.

Last-minute arrangement via phone call before the pick-up time is not allowed to avoid confusion by all parties and to ensure the safety of the child.


At AHI Preschool, we start to introduce students to the qualities that are aligned with our core values: Integrity, Empathy, Humility and Respect. Being able to conform to the rules of the school and observe the expected conduct is important as an AHI student. 


Being punctual for school is a form of discipline and respect, these are attributes which are important in life. To minimise disruption in learning, your child is expected to arrive at school no later than 8.15 am.

Parents have to fill in the reason for late arrival after the stipulated time. If you know in advance that your child is going to be late or going to leave school early on a particular day, please inform the teacher at least one day in advance. For emergencies, you may contact the Student Care Team.

Attendance Expectations

  • Excellent = 0–3 absences per year (>98% attendance) 
  • Good/Meeting Expectations = 4–9 absences per year (95-98% attendance)
  • Requires Improvement = 10 or more absences per year (<95% attendance)


Being punctual for school is a form of discipline and respect, these are attributes which are important in life. As such, your child is expected to arrive at school no later than 8.15 am.

If you know in advance that your child is going to be late or going to leave school early on a particular day, please inform the teacher at least one day in advance. For emergencies, you may contact the Student Care Team.

Absence from School

To ensure the safety of our students, please note the followings:

  • If your child is absent from school and is normally dropped off by yourself or a guardian, please inform the class teacher via seesaw at least one day in advance. For emergencies, you may contact the Student Care Team
  • For students on the school bus, please note that you must contact our bus assistant via the bus phone number AND message the teacher on the seesaw if your child will be absent. For safety reasons, please inform us promptly when your child will not be in school
  • In addition, poor attendance in school affects students and the relevant competencies needed for the future of your child. For long absences from school, please write to the school for approval via email at
  • Parents must notify the school if the student is absent for any reason

Absence from School Due to Medical Reasons

  • For absence of school due to communicable diseases, such as Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD), Measles, Chickenpox, Lice, or Conjunctivitis (e.g., eye infection) will not be allowed to attend school
  • Our school has the right to stop any child from entering the school to minimise infection and spread of viruses to other children. For communicable diseases, upon expiry of the dated medical certificate, there must be a follow-up doctor’s note to certify that the child is fit before returning to school
Example of a typical dated medical certificate. Details and layout may differ depending on the clinic, hospital or medical practitioner

Dress Code – Uniform

The AHI uniform is a means of showing our identity and school pride to the wider community as well as being practical school wear.

Students of all ages are required to wear their uniforms to campus at all times provided by the school:

  • School uniform: Polo Shirt + Shorts/Culottes
  • All attires must be fit and tailored to the child appropriately
  • Culottes skirt length must be knee-length
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to label their children’s uniforms
  • From time to time there will be days where students are allowed dress-up or non-uniform day for various school occasions and events. The school will inform parents of such occasions; these are the only times when students may not wear their uniforms