Primary School Parent-Student Handbook

Dear Parents,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Anne Hill International School for the new school year.

With the aim of providing high-quality international education and helping every child to feel safe and successful, there are several key principles that are known to be effective.

These include having a shared vision of the learner, providing a rigorous curriculum, creating a safe and stimulating environment, and building supportive and nurturing relationships.

It can also be said that children learn best when they like their teachers and have friends in school; feel safe and supported, at school and home; understand the relevance and/or importance of what they are learning; have a genuine interest in what they are learning; feel appropriately challenged; and they are able to make some choices about what and how they learn.

In today’s world, it is also increasingly important that learners are helped to develop positive attitudes towards the challenge, encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for their own learning, and helped to see learning as an enjoyable life-long process.

Together with you, I look forward to achieving these goals; the presence of a strong home-school partnership is so important to a child’s education so I encourage you to “get involved” with school in as many ways as you can.

I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you. 

Brendan Hearne

Primary Principal

Mr. Brendan Hearne

Primary Principal

Meet Our Team

We have a team of qualified and experienced teaching staff who work closely with the children and their families to create strong relationships based on mutual respect. All our class teachers are English-speaking speakers, fully trained and qualified, with experience working in a range of educational settings.

At AHI, teachers work closely with their Vietnamese colleagues to ensure consistency in approaches and a cohesive learning experience for the children in English. We believe that the partnership between school and home is fundamental to the success of each student’s school experience.

The role of Teaching and Learning Assistants (LTA) is to provide support for student learning in various educational settings. This will include working in conjunction with the teacher supporting the classroom, as well as leading smaller groups, pairs or individual students when required.

For the full AHI faculty, please refer to:


At AHI, the process of learning is very important to us for it ensures that our students develop the skills and attributes that will help them to become independent and flexible learners that are prepared for the 21st century. Our aim is to make learning meaningful so that children are empowered, inspired and motivated to become independent learners. This means an effective teacher-student ratio taught by an academic team of qualified teachers from different parts of the world.

Active learning is achieved through hands-on, exploratory and inquiry-based activities, individual tasks and group work. We believe in holistic approaches to learning that nurture a balanced student life.

We hope to create a connected community for students, teachers, parents and beyond. AHI also recognises the importance of the performing arts to enrich and support all areas of the curriculum. This helps students to develop creative ways of communicating and expressing their ideas and feelings. We allow students to explore and develop their talents through opportunities within the school and the greater community, including performances for their families during the year.

Our vision is to nurture well-rounded, globally-minded, lifelong learners.

  • ‘Well-rounded’ recognises the need for personal learning and international learning, not just subject learning.
  • ‘Globally minded’ recognises the need for students to learn about the wider world and our place in it.
  • ‘Lifelong learners’ recognises that we live in a rapidly changing society and children of today need to acquire the attitudes and skills that are needed to be successful as learners, not simply successful in learning.

As such, our mission is to deliver affordable, high-quality international education in a safe and caring environment. We believe in creating a nurturing space for students to grow and express themselves while learning how to collaborate with others in this globalised world.

School is where children begin understanding what it means to be a member of an interconnected and global community. Global citizenship is an underlying element of our school programmes. Our primary school values include:

  • Empathetic
  • Respectful
  • Humble
  • Ethical
  • Resilient
  • Communicator
  • Adaptable
  • Collaborator
  • Thinker

Our curriculum adheres to high international standards that prepare students for a rapidly changing world thanks to an innovative, comprehensive cross-curricular programme that delivers the subjects:

  • AHI is registered as a Cambridge International School and is following the Cambridge International Primary Programme framework and standards for core subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science
  • Additionally, AHI support subject learning through the use of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), which utilises an inquiry-based and student-centred approach to learning. Students engage in a number of themed topics covering a range of subjects (Geography, History, Art, Music, Technology, Healthy & Wellbeing) and along three key learning areas (Academic, Personal and International)

For more information on the Cambridge International programmes and Cambridge Pathway, please refer to:

The AHI curriculum also adheres to the Vietnamese national requirements for the primary years as outlined by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education, specifically for the Vietnamese language, history and culture programme.

International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

Anne Hill International School is an IPC Membership School. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) supports our vision and provides a highly engaging, cross-curricular and internationally-minded curriculum. The IPC’s thematic units of learning are designed to appeal to children’s interests and help them to learn more about the world around them. Learners engage in exciting, globally relevant thematic units of work that help students engage in learning from multiple perspectives.

The Units of Learning provide the activities through which the Learning Goals are converted into exciting learning opportunities for children. Themed units help children to see how subjects are both independent and interdependent. This enables them to see the big picture of their learning, and make connections.

For more information, please refer to:

Subjects taught at AHI Primary School include:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Music
  • Art & Design
  • Physical Education
  • 2nd Language (Mandarin or Vietnamese)
  • International Primary Curriculum (IPC)/Theme-based Learning

Second Language

For more information on the student aims, key areas and learning approach for each subject, please refer to the AHI Primary School Age-Related Expectations in the Curriculum Guide.

English is the main teaching medium for all subjects with the exception of 2nd Language. Currently, Vietnamese Language & Culture (VLC) and Mandarin are offered as 2nd Languages.

Vietnamese class is compulsory for students of Vietnamese nationality. For other international students, they can choose to study either Vietnamese or Mandarin (lessons for both Vietnamese and Mandarin run concurrently).

Lessons are conducted three times a week, for a duration of an hour or more, depending on the year level.  Students will either learn the second language at the standard level or basic level.  The class allocation of the child (basic or standard class) will be based on the following (by the language teachers) on class assessments and observations on the student’s learning in class.

For students who are from other countries and are not familiar with the Vietnamese language and/or Mandarin, they will learn Mandarin/Vietnamese at the basic level, focusing on understanding the language and conversing using the language. Currently, Mandarin is only offered at the basic level for Years 1 and 2.

Parents are expected to commit to their child’s language choice for the entire school year. Students are able to take additional language classes during Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).

Sample Timetable Primary.pdf

The school timetable will be given to the students on the first day of school and is posted on the door to each classroom.

Please note that the morning break/lunch and weekly duration of each subject may differ depending on each year level.

Assessment is a fundamental part of AHI’s educational model as it supports teachers with planning the learning phases that will follow, providing each student with the appropriate strategies and skills. In addition to academic observations, the student’s social/emotional, cognitive/intellectual and physical progress will be observed, assessed and recorded throughout the year. This information is conveyed to parents during parent-teacher meetings.

Assessment is carried out for two main purposes: assessment for learning (formative) and assessment of learning (summative).

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment refers to the daily informal practices that teachers do with learners to evaluate how will children are learning and their readiness for the next stage of learning. Formative assessments may include observations, Q&A, children’s work, children’s self-reflections, written responses on mini whiteboards or exit tickets, and mini projects. Assessment for learning may also involve learners receiving descriptive feedback during the learning process. This feedback allows the teacher and learner to adjust what they are doing in order to improve.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment refers to a formal assessment that is typically used at the end of a period of learning and is used to measure how well learners have performed in comparison to an external standard.

Student Assessment Report

Written formative and summative assessments reflecting the child’s progress will be issued at the end of the academic year. AHI will provide feedback on students in relation to pre-set targets and goals.

Class Allocation is based on the following criteria:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Learning/Behaviour needs


AHI reserve the right to respectfully but consistently decline any parental requests to change class allocation or teacher at any stage throughout the year.

2. Preparation for School


Things to do/receive

Submission Deadline


Please ensure that all requested recommendation forms and/or reports from previous schools are submitted on time. You may be requested to fill in and submit an AHI Recommendation Form as below.

 AHI Recommendation Form (UPDATE)

Any delay in the submission of the documents above may result in a delayed school start date.


AHI Health Check & Medical Record Form

The school will sponsor all new students for this general health check. A complimentary voucher for each child’s health check will be issued to parents upon confirmation of enrollment.

Important Note – The form has to be completed by parents and the clinic’s doctor. Please bring a hard copy of the form, your child’s immunisation record and the complimentary voucher to Raffles Medical and American International Hospital on the day of your child’s health check. Parents will be required to accompany the child to the health check. The child should be in good health before presenting for his/her health check at the clinic.

Health Check Location: Raffles Medical International Clinic, HCMC or American International Hospital (advanced appointment bookings via the clinic’s telephone or email will be required)

Raffles Medical International Clinic

  • Adress: 285B Dien Bien Phu, Distric 3, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Hotline: (028) 3824 0777
  • Email:
  • Working date: Monday – Friday (8:00am-18:00pm) & Saturday (8:00am-17:00pm)
  • 24/7 Emergency: Call *1155
American International Hospital 
  • Adress: 199 Nguyen Hoang, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Hotline: (028) 3824 0777
  • Email:
  • Working date: Monday – Friday (8:00am-17:00pm) & Saturday (8:00am-12:00pm)
  • 24/7 Emergency: Call *1155


Submission of health check reports for newly enrolled students will be required before the 1st day of school (for new students).

The school will have the right to cease the enrolment if the health check is not submitted within 30 days of the enrolment. Parents are required to submit the original hard copy of the completed form to the school.

 The school and Raffles Medical reserve the right to keep a copy of the child’s medical record within their premises; however, sharing and submission of medical records can only be done by the parents.

This is to uphold patient confidentiality on both sides.



Vaccination Policy

All students registering at AHI must have the essential vaccination, as recommended by the doctor, to ensure the health and safety of themselves and the school community. Moreover, they need to have their vaccination documents approved and updated by the school. Please refer to the health check form for details of the essential vaccination required.

To ensure the well-being of both students and the broader community, the school reserves the right to decline enrolment for a student who has not received the necessary vaccinations.



AHI Health Booklet

All AHI students will be given an AHI Health Booklet. The Health Booklet includes the following:

  • Medical Health Check Result
  • Health Tracking
  • Tracking Irregular Changes in Health
  • Accident Report

Student Health Booklet will be shown to parents twice/year in September and January during Parent Teacher Meetings and collected on the same day.




Parents will need to complete their child’s registration by registering their account on the school’s STAR PORTAL. A registration link will be sent to your email. Please follow the registration steps and upload all necessary documents.

Parents are responsible for updating their personal information on the STAR PORTAL including any changes to personal contact information, authorisation, allergies, dietary requirements and other student details. Please ensure that your latest email address is updated on the STAR PORTAL. A reminder email will be sent to parents every six months, and it is the parent’s responsibility to update the portal should there be a change in any information.




The following number of uniforms will be provided FOR FREE at the beginning of the academic year:

Additional uniforms can be purchased at the AHI Uniform Shop. Students must wear the appropriate school uniform every day when they are at school including caps, shoes, socks, jumpers and other outerwear and accessories. For more information, please refer to the Dress Code section of School Life of the Parent-Student Handbook. AHI school caps, socks and jumpers are available for purchase at the AHI Uniform Shop.

Personal Items – What to Bring?

All items brought to school must be labelled with the child’s name.

  • School bag
  • Easy-to-wear face masks (when necessary)
  • Water bottle
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and mug – personalised for easier recognition
  • Healthy afternoon snack
  • School cap
  • Non-slip slippers (toes-covered) for indoor wear – these will be placed in the shoe cabinet in the hall
  • Extra set of uniforms (optional)
  • Mosquito repellent and sun cream (recommended) – we will keep these in the school and use them daily
  • Homework file (provided by the teacher)
  • Readers/storybooks
  • Pencil case and stationery (to be given by the school)

All water bottles, towels and clothing are to be brought home daily for washing for hygiene purposes. Please label all children’s uniforms and personal items.


3. Campus Life

Please refer to the school calendar on our website for more details on holidays and events:

  • 8.15 am – 3.00 pm (without CCAs)
  • 8.15 am – 4.00 pm (with CCAs)
  • 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm (Afterschool Care Service)

*Afterschool Care Service from 5.00 – 6.00 pm needs to be booked at least one week in advance.

The class teacher will provide parents with the class timetable for any new enrolment or if there is any change to the timetable. Please reach out to the class teacher if you have not received the timetable

Drop-off Procedure

  1. The student drop-off time and supervision will start at 7.45 am as gates will only be open then.
  2. For parents dropping off their children at our school, please note that it is mandatory for you to accompany your child up until the health check at the school gate.
  3. Students are expected to be at school by 8.15 am as attendance will be taken in class before the lesson starts.
  4. Students are expected to bring their tap cards at all times.
  5. Students who are taking school buses, need to wear their tap cards before entering the bus.
  6. Students who enter school after 8.15 am will be considered late for school.

Late drop-off procedures apply. For information about the late drop-off procedure, you may refer to this LINK

Pick-up Procedure

  1. All parents who are picking up their children are responsible for ensuring that their child is safe and punctually picked up from our school. All children will be guided to the designated pick-up areas. Please ensure that your child is picked up at 12 noon – 12.30 pm (half-day) or 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm (full-day).
  2. Please inform our Student Care Team if you are unable to pick up your child on time and the approximate time that you will be able to pick them up on the day. They will automatically take part in our After School Care service (see After School Care section).
  3. Parents are required to enter the Preschool Campus with the tap cards to pick up their children.
  4. Students may only leave at the end of the school day with their parent(s), authorised guardians (e.g., nanny/relative/driver) or on the school bus.
  5. Early/Late pick-up procedures apply. For information about the late drop-off procedure, you may refer to this LINK
  6. If parents/authorised guardians are unable to pick up their child, at least one parent MUST inform the Student Care Team of an alternate arrangement to pick up the child in writing (via admin email or hotline number) by morning time or 6 hours in advance. In such cases, the parent must provide:
    1. Identification document (ID);
    2. photo;
    3. and the phone number of the person picking up the child
  7. Our school will not release any child to any person without prior consent from the parent. This also includes parents of other children attending the school.

Last-minute arrangement via phone call before the pick-up time is not allowed to avoid confusion by all parties and to ensure the safety of the child.


At AHI Preschool, we start to introduce students to the qualities that are aligned with our core values: Integrity, Empathy, Humility and Respect. Being able to conform to the rules of the school and observe the expected conduct is important as an AHI student. 


Being punctual for school is a form of discipline and respect, these are attributes which are important in life. To minimise disruption in learning, your child is expected to arrive at school no later than 8.15 am.

Parents have to fill in the reason for late arrival after the stipulated time. If you know in advance that your child is going to be late or going to leave school early on a particular day, please inform the teacher at least one day in advance. For emergencies, you may contact the Student Care Team.

Attendance Expectations

  • Excellent = 0–3 absences per year (>98% attendance) 
  • Good/Meeting Expectations = 4–9 absences per year (95-98% attendance)
  • Requires Improvement = 10 or more absences per year (<95% attendance)


Being punctual for school is a form of discipline and respect, these are attributes which are important in life. As such, your child is expected to arrive at school no later than 8.15 am.

If you know in advance that your child is going to be late or going to leave school early on a particular day, please inform the teacher at least one day in advance. For emergencies, you may contact the Student Care Team.

Absence from School

To ensure the safety of our students, please note the followings:

  • If your child is absent from school and is normally dropped off by yourself or a guardian, please inform the class teacher via seesaw at least one day in advance. For emergencies, you may contact the Student Care Team
  • For students on the school bus, please note that you must contact our bus assistant via the bus phone number AND message the teacher on the seesaw if your child will be absent. For safety reasons, please inform us promptly when your child will not be in school
  • In addition, poor attendance in school affects students and the relevant competencies needed for the future of your child. For long absences from school, please write to the school for approval via email at
  • Parents must notify the school if the student is absent for any reason

Absence from School Due to Medical Reasons

  • For absence of school due to communicable diseases, such as Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD), Measles, Chickenpox, Lice, or Conjunctivitis (e.g., eye infection) will not be allowed to attend school
  • Our school has the right to stop any child from entering the school to minimise infection and spread of viruses to other children. For communicable diseases, upon expiry of the dated medical certificate, there must be a follow-up doctor’s note to certify that the child is fit before returning to school
Example of a typical dated medical certificate. Details and layout may differ depending on the clinic, hospital or medical practitioner

Dress Code – Uniform

The AHI uniform is a means of showing our identity and school pride to the wider community as well as being practical school wear.

Students of all ages are required to wear their uniforms to campus at all times provided by the school:

  • School uniform: Polo Shirt + Shorts/Culottes
  • All attires must be fit and tailored to the child appropriately
  • Culottes skirt length must be knee-length
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to label their children’s uniforms
  • From time to time there will be days where students are allowed dress-up or non-uniform day for various school occasions and events. The school will inform parents of such occasions; these are the only times when students may not wear their uniforms

Dress Code – Shoes and Socks

Students are required to wear covered shoes (black or white). Appropriate sports shoes and grip socks must be worn for PE lessons. Grip socks are available for purchase at the school’s uniform shop.


Left to right: example of shoes (toes covered) and grip socks.


  • Shoes with special accessories such as roller blades, decorations or flashing lights
  • Flip-flops and open-toe sandals

In the interest of safety, children who are not wearing appropriate shoes or attire will not be able to take part in any outdoor activities including PE lessons. The school will only permit students with grip socks to use the trampoline and rock wall.

Dress Code – Accessories and Attire

To ensure the safety of the child, only the following accessories are permitted:

  • Medic Alert Bracelets/Necklaces
  • Simple ear studs (no dangling or costume earrings)
  • Mosquito bracelets
  • Plain colour hair clips (rounded corners and flat) / soft hair bands (no hard bobbles)
  • Leggings and arm protectors for medical reasons (only black, white or beige colour are allowed)
  • Anne Hill International School caps (available for purchase at AHI’s uniform shop)
  • Anne Hill International School Jumper (available for purchase at AHI’s uniform shop)

The wearing of jewellery/costume jewellery, outerwear and hats (that do not contain the school’s logo) is not allowed during school hours.

Art Attire

Art aprons are provided at the school. However, students may choose to bring an additional T-shirt with cut-off sleeves to protect their uniforms during art activities. This attire is not to be worn during other times at school.

Personal Grooming

Students with long hair are required to tie their hair up with a simple and plain soft hair tie (no large accessories) for safety.  


Prohibited Items

Students are not allowed to bring personal/valuable items such as:

  • Electronic equipment (gaming devices, iPods, etc.)
  • Toys (except for comfort that is needed in the first few days of school to help ease the children’s transition or an item requested by teachers for a “Show and Tell activity”)

The use of mobile phones is not allowed during the school day. Use of these will result in confiscation and disciplinary action. Students who bring these to school must have them turned off and may only use them off campus. Parents are advised to refrain their child from bringing any valuables including money to school.

The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of electronic equipment and other valuable items brought to school.

Damage to School Property and Equipment

Staff, parents and students are responsible for the condition of the items or equipment that they borrow or use from the school. These include but are not limited to learning materials, books, devices and equipment. If an item is damaged, vandalised or lost, the borrower or user is responsible for paying the necessary compensation to fix or replace the item.

Behaviour Management:

At AHI, we believe it is necessary and important to have a single approach to behaviour management across all classes. This means avoiding individual classroom practices.

Part 1: Communicating Clear Expectations (Our Golden Rules):

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Honest
  • Be Kind

Part 2: Positive Reinforcement:







Any positive behaviour such as demonstrating a Personal Goal  

Anyone who observes success

Green Tickets

(Now… that…)

Anywhere on Campus


Outstanding effort or significant progress

Class Teachers and Specialist Teachers

A visit to the Headteacher and a Growth Mindset Sticker

(Now… that…)

Headteacher’s Room

Teacher’s Discretion  

Achieving clearly defined goals in relation to attendance, handwriting, or times tables

Class Teacher, Subject Leader or Headteacher

Certificate of Achievement

(If… then…)



Part 3: Positive Correction:

Behaviour incidents typically fall into one of three main categories:

  • Tier 1 – Minor infractions
  • Tier 2 – Persistent behaviour incidents
  • Tier 3 – Serious incidents

Each tier requires a different approach. However, it is important to note that each of these protocols is based on four principles of effective behaviour management.

Every child has the right to feel safe, respected and valued. As such, Teachers and Learning & Teaching Assistants (LTAs) have a responsibility to ensure that any conflict between students is identified early and dealt with swiftly and effectively.

Bullying involves deliberate behaviour intended to harm and cause distress. It results in physical or emotional harm and is characterized by persistent and repeated acts of aggression. Bullying can be direct (such as physical attacks) or indirect (like spreading rumours). It often involves an imbalance of power, with one or more individuals exerting dominance over others due to factors like age, physical strength, or psychological resilience. Cyberbullying, which occurs online, is also a form of bullying.

Anti-Bullying Measures

Our school, AHI, strives to establish a culture of respect, kindness, inclusion, and empathy. We reinforce positive behaviours through our positive behaviour policy.

AHI actively participates in Anti-Bullying Week, organized by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, and Safer Internet Day each year to promote safer environments and prevent bullying.

Reporting Bullying

We encourage students to report any bullying incidents or if they are targets of bullying to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, parent, or Designated Safeguarding Lead. Teachers or parents suspecting bullying should report it in person, by email, or by using the incident report form available around the school.

School Events

Anne Hill International School is not affiliated in any way with any religious organisations. Nevertheless, cultural diversity and community awareness play important roles in our curriculum. The school will organise events including cultural festivals and charity fundraisers. Please refer to our School Website for the different school events which we have organised:

Open House

Anne Hill International School’s Open House serves to provide new parents with a glimpse of the student life on campus. The agenda includes school tours and activities for students to experience what a day is like at Anne Hill International School. If parents and students want to volunteer for this event, they may contact the Student Care Team for more information. The Open House is usually held in March. For more information, please refer to 2023 RECAP OPEN HOUSE:

Field Trips and Residential Trips

As a part of our school’s curriculum, the children will be brought on field trips to visit places of interest or other events outside of the school. The purpose of field trips is to provide students with opportunities to apply what they have learned in class to real-life situations. Field trips are curated to deliver key learning goals and foster students’ awareness of the environment they live in. We encourage all parents to allow their children to take part in these field trips as these activities form part of the curriculum. Alternative arrangements have to be made by parents if a student is unable to attend.

Kindly note that only field trips, which are related to the school curriculum, are included in the Student Service & Amenities fees.  Residential trips such as overnight camps and other trips not related to the school curriculum are not included. The fees will be communicated to parents once the residential trips are confirmed and organised.

At AHI, we educate students to use their devices safely and responsibly. Students must ensure the security of their devices at all times and the school will not accept responsibility for loss or damage to these often-expensive items.

The use of devices such as IPADs, tablets and laptops is allowed as long as it supports the curriculum.  Our in-house IT support staff is available to assist parents and students in ensuring the necessary setup and technical support.

We believe in fostering a safe and productive digital learning environment. To achieve this, we have established guidelines for digital device use, including appropriate online behaviour, digital citizenship, and responsible internet use. These guidelines aim to promote ethical and respectful online interactions and protect students from potential risks.

Together, we can empower students to become responsible digital citizens and harness the full potential of digital tools for their educational journey.

The home reading programme is essential to the student’s success in learning English.  AHI has selected Collins Big Cat (Publisher) from the UK, which contains more than 1000 carefully levelled books to instil a love of reading in all pupils. These books are written and developed by award-winning authors and supported by beautiful illustrations and stunning photography. They have been levelled to match the Institute of Education book bands for guided reading. For more information about levelled learning, parents may refer to this link

Teaching and Learning Resources

We strive to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for our students at AHI, through the use of meaningful and engaging teaching and learning resources:


In our Mathematics curriculum, students practise their new skills using the White Rose Maths workbook. These workbooks serve as a valuable tool for reinforcing concepts learned in the classroom. At the end of each unit, students are allowed to take the workbooks home, enabling parents to review and appreciate their child’s progress. For parents who would like to guide their child’s mathematical development further at home, a collection of parent resources is made available at (LINK)


Our Science curriculum incorporates the use of Cambridge Science textbooks and activity books. These resources provide students with a solid foundation of scientific knowledge and offer engaging activities that encourage exploration and hands-on learning. To support your child’s scientific learning journey from home, you can purchase these textbooks and activity books at the AHI bookstore, providing additional guidance and resources for independent study.


At AHI, we adopt a ‘teach through a text’ approach in our English curriculum. This method introduces students to high-quality language and ideas through captivating texts. Students then have opportunities to apply their newfound knowledge and skills in their writing. To facilitate further support for your child’s English development at home, we recommend exploring the Literary Curriculum’s blog and book lists, which offer a wealth of resources and ideas for home learning. You can access these materials at (LINK)

IPC/Topic Lessons:

In our IPC/topic lessons, we emphasize an inquiry-based and hands-on learning approach. Our teachers utilize a variety of resources, including educational videos, to guide students in understanding key concepts. These videos serve as supplementary tools to enhance the learning experience and provide visual and interactive elements that foster deeper understanding. For more information regarding IPC, please visit (LINK)

At AHI, our home-learning policy is built upon the following beliefs:

  • The school day is already sufficiently long to meet curriculum expectations
  • Additional home learning is not necessary for most students
  • Not all parents have the time, knowledge or skills to support students with home learning
  • All parents can help students learn spellings and times table facts
  • Students need time to socialise, rest, play, and be children to enjoy their childhood
  • Students should be given opportunities to try new experiences outside school and begin to develop personal interests
  • Activities such as reading for pleasure, cooking, learning a musical instrument, and playing sports are all forms of home learning

For these reasons, directed home learning is limited to a few key areas. The following are offered as guidance to both teachers and parents.

   Age Group

Recommended Duration of Time

         Suggested Activities

Years 1 and 2

10-20 minutes per night

·       Reading to an adult

·       Spellings

Year 3 to Year 6

20 minutes (increasing to 30 minutes) per night

·       Reading to an adult

·       Spellings

·       Timetables

·       IPC (to be done for an extended duration)

·       Any additional learning allocated by teachers

General School Term Holidays

Please refer to the school calendar for AHI Term Breaks/Holidays – In the event of necessary adjustments to school holidays, such as during a pandemic, parents will receive prior notification of any changes.

In the event that the school is closed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to epidemic outbreaks, Acts of Gods and government directives the school will not be liable to make any refunds. The school will ensure timely notice to parents before such closure.

School Closure Due to Epidemic Outbreak

In cases of unforeseen circumstances and infectious outbreaks, depending on government directives, the school or class may be required to close to prevent further transmission.

Please also be advised that we encourage parents to keep their child at home in the event of coughs and colds, runny nose and flu to avoid further transmission to other children.

During the term holidays, our staff will conduct thorough cleaning and disinfecting of our premises, equipment and learning materials.

4. Health and Safety

We kindly request that primary school children enjoy the nutritious and balanced meals prepared by our school’s canteen. Packed lunches are not allowed for safety reasons, and this policy is designed to promote an inclusive environment where all students have equal access to healthy food choices.

Children are fed nutritionally on a daily basis with morning snacks and lunch. Please inform the school if your child has any special dietary requirements, Please reach out to our safety officer. 

For those students who registered for Afterschool Care Service and CCAs, parents shall prepare afternoon snacks for their children every day.

Please note that the school is a NUT and PORK-FREE environment. This includes food items with traces of nuts, nut oils and nut milk. Kindly refer to the guidelines for what to prepare (AHI Afternoon Snack Guideline).

We recognise that birthdays are important for every child and that they should get a chance to celebrate with their classmates. Please inform the school and the child’s teacher at least one week in advance if you would like to organise a small birthday celebration at school.   Celebrations will be held at the canteen or outdoor area. To ensure the safety of all children while celebrating, please take note of the following measures that will apply for birthday celebrations:


  • Plain cupcakes or muffins with no cream or any icing
  • The cupcakes and/or muffins must be ordered from a reputable bakery
  • The cupcakes or muffins need to be individually packed from the bakery
  • Parents are to provide proof of purchase
  • The cupcakes/muffins are to be eaten at the canteen, classroom during afternoon snack time or they can be brought home by the children after the celebration
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to purchase from Ruby’s Cafe (AHI in-house cafe)
  • Simple party decorations that do not pose safety hazards (self-brought)


  • Food with traces of nuts/nut oils/nut milk
  • Confectionery, sweets, crisps, creamy cake
  • Fizzy/soft drinks
  • Durian and durian-flavoured cake
  • Pork, ham, bacon, and pork-related snacks
  • Home-baked cake, homemade food

A sample of the treats will be kept for 24 hours following food safety inspection procedures.  Please reach out to the safety officer for checks and recommendations on birthday treats.

If a student feels unwell during school, he/she will be brought to the sick bay for monitoring and follow-up treatment. The school will notify parents by phone call or WhatsApp message if their child needs to be picked up.

Criteria for Students to Be Sent Home

The school will notify parents to take the child home if he/she is deemed to be unwell and unable to continue with their school day. The following symptoms and medical problems are the school’s criteria for a child to stay at home:

  • Fever above 37.5 degrees after the second reading
  • Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea
  • Persistent coughing & wheezing, headache and fatigue
  • Rashes and swelling
  • Communicable/Infectious disease (e.g., Dengue fever, Conjunctivitis, HFMD, etc.)
  • Students diagnosed with live head lice do not need to be sent home early from school; they can go home at the end of the day, be treated, and return to class after appropriate treatment has begun.

To ensure the safety of your child and other students, please arrange the pick-up within one (1) hour of notification for non-emergency cases. Students will wait for their parents at the sick bay. If parents are unable to arrange for the pick-up, they must inform the school to discuss an alternate arrangement.

Returning to School Following Absence Due to Communicable Diseases

In the event that a student is suspected to having an infection (e.g. Hand Foot Mouth Disease, COVID-19, Chicken Pox,etc). Parents must submit a medical certificate with a fit-to-return date from the doctor before the student returns to school. Please view the section (Absence from School Due to Medical Reasons) for a sample medical certificate


To ensure the safety of our students, we will only administer prescribed medication from a medical practitioner. Any other form of medication will not be accepted without a medical practitioner’s note. All medicine must be labelled – the name of the medicine and dosage and in the original medicine packaging – in English and will be administered by the School Nurse. A Medication Administration Authorisation Record must be filled in and signed by the parent/guardian who comes to the sick bay during pickup time to take back the student’s medicine. 

Parents or guardians are required to come to school for the collection of medicine given. No medicine will be returned to the children for safety reasons.

The School reserves the right to refuse to administer medication if it is deemed unsafe to do so during school hours. The School will not be held responsible for any consequences arising from the medicine.

We encourage parents to administer medication before or after school hours where possible.

The school will keep track of the air quality daily. Each classroom is equipped with an air purifier or air conditioner which will be cleaned regularly. If the outdoor reading exceeds the level that is deemed safe for children, we will keep students indoors as much as possible. Parents must inform the school if their child has respiratory problems or conditions including those that are sensitive to air quality.

To ensure the safety of all students, pets are not allowed to be brought into school premises at all times.

In case of an accident/emergency, the school is authorised by the parents through their signing of the Registration Form to seek appropriate medical consultation and treatment for the child. The authorisation is valid until the child is withdrawn from our school. All expenses incurred by our school or staff (e.g., transport, medical fees) arising from such an event that is not covered under the accident insurance plan will be borne by the child’s parents.

Our Nurse will contact one or both of the parents concerned on the telephone to inform him/her of the steps to be taken. In the event that BOTH parents cannot be reached by telephone, the school will contact the Emergency Contact listed in the STAR PORTAL.

The school will direct all emergencies to *9999 (24/7 Emergency Hotline by Family Medical Practice Vietnam). The school will follow all instructions directed by Family Medical Practice Vietnam.


  • (Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Sat: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM)
  • Adress: 95 Thao Dien Street, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam
  • Tel:(+84) 28 3744 2000
  • Fax:(+84) 28 3744 6382
  • Email:

5. Security and Safety

Parents are responsible for updating their personal information on the STAR PORTAL including any changes to personal contact information, authorisation, student health & dietary requirements and other student details.

Please ensure that your latest email address is updated on the STAR PORTAL. A reminder email will be sent to parents every six months, and it is the parent’s responsibility to update the portal should there be a change in any information.

To ensure a secure environment, the school provides supervision of students throughout the school day:

  • Supervision of play areas at recess and lunchtimes
  • Supervision arrival and departure times
  • Supervision on school buses and field trips

Students are not allowed in classrooms, libraries, outdoor facilities and hallways when there is no supervising adult around. Likewise, students are not allowed at all premises after school hours if there is no supervision. All students are required to leave the campus (with their parents) by 4.30 pm. Please refer to our After School Care service if you need extra support from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm.  

To minimise disruption to our programmes, visitors are requested to make an appointment. All visitors who enter the school must produce identification (ID card, passport, etc..) and will register their visit at the security booth.  Visitors will receive a visitor card attached to a lanyard that must be displayed at all times while on school premises.

During certain school events, subject to the school’s prior approval, parents can invite family and friends to join the event. Parents must be present at the school gate to register their guests with the security guard.

Anyone who is suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to enter the school premises. If a person is displaying inappropriate and/or offensive behaviour, the person will also be escorted outside of the school. The school has a zero-tolerance policy towards violence and aggression.

Following the authorisation obtained from the Registration Form, parents will opt to agree to give the school permission to take photos and videos of students during school activities. These photos and videos may be used for the school’s promotional materials and platforms such as Facebook, website and brochures/flyers.

Parents may take photos of their child on campus; however, they are NOT ALLOWED to take photos when other children are in the background including Singing Assemblies

Fire drills will be conducted twice a year to familiarise students and staff with evacuation procedures. During the fire drill or in case of a real fire emergency, everyone present at the school will exit the building following the fire escape plan. Students and teachers will line up according to class at the designated assembly area where attendance will be taken.

Parents are requested to drive slowly and carefully when arriving or leaving the school premises. In addition, please avoid double parking and parking in front of the ramps. The security guards will guide vehicles surrounding the school premise. We appreciate if you can follow their guidance to ensure the safety of the students on campus.

If deemed suspicious, any vehicle stopping in front/beside the school gates may be subjected to a search conducted by the school security guards.

All children registered at our school will be covered under the students’ accident insurance plan. The insurance is capped at 150,000,000 vnd (inclusive of compensation for injury and medical expenses arising from accidents) and is subject to the terms and conditions specified in the insurance plan and annual revision. This insurance is only effective during the period of enrolment, and we encourage parents to be familiar with the coverage and purchase their own insurance if they would like coverage beyond this. Please contact our Student Care Team for more information on the insurance plan.

A Lost & Found box is placed at our reception for any personal items found to be left on campus after school hours. Please ensure that you label the belongings your child brings to school. The school is not responsible for the loss of personal items.

Smoking is strictly prohibited on campus. This includes electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes. All parents, teachers, staff and visitors are prohibited from engaging in the illegal manufacture, possession, use, distribution or purchase of illicit drugs, alcohol or other intoxicants, as well as the misuse of prescription drugs on campus.

All students’ records (personal, academic and medical) are kept strictly confidential. The school will not share this information to other parties, give out parents’ contact information to other AHI parents unless permission is given by parents personally or in emergency cases.

6. Child Well-Being and Safety

Anne Hill International School is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children by taking all reasonable steps to protect them from neglect, and physical, sexual or emotional harm whether these occur physically or on virtual platforms. All staff, volunteers as well as external individuals, clubs or groups will at all times adhere to the rights, safety and welfare of our students and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the school.

Our Behaviour Policy aims to facilitate the attainment of the following core objectives:

  • We create a safe and stimulating learning environment in which our students can discover and develop their intellectual, physical, social and creative potential
  • We help our students to be happy, well-balanced, ethical individuals who work effectively and willingly with others

Our Behaviour Policy also supports the following School Core Values:

  • We uphold the principles of equality of opportunity and fair treatment of all individuals
  • We respect ourselves, we respect each other and we respect our environment
  • We value honesty, fairness and integrity

The school recognises that staff, parents and children are entitled to a safe environment on campus. Behaviour that will cause harassment, alarm or distress to users of the premises is contrary to the aims of the school.

Aim: All members of the AHI school community are to treat one another with respect.



  • Adults set a good example to children at all times, showing them how to present themselves and get along with all members of the school and the wider community
  • No members of staff, parents or children are the victims of abusive behaviour, or bullying or are open to threats from other adults whether these scenarios occur physically or on virtual platforms
  • Physical attacks and threatening behaviour, abusive or insulting language – verbal or written – to staff, parents and guardians, children and other users of the school premises will not be tolerated and may result in withdrawal of permission to be on school premises

Listed below are types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This is not an exhaustive list but seeks to provide illustrations of such behaviour:

  • Shouting, either in person or over the telephone
  • Inappropriate posting on social networking sites, and chat applications e.g. WhatsApp which aims to defame either the school or any member of the school community
  • Rude or abusive emails and/or texts
  • Speaking in an aggressive or threatening tone
  • Threat of physical harm including shaking or holding a fist towards another person
  • Swearing
  • Use of physical force
  • Spitting
  • Racist or sexist comments
  • Inappropriate dressing that goes against the purpose of a school dress code e.g. short shorts, fashion items that contain profanity, etc.
  • Any other behaviour which contravenes the school’s Child Protection and anti-bullying policies

Please note that the school reserves the right to take necessary actions to ensure that members of the school community are not subjected to abuse. School premises are private property; parents and other adults have been granted permission from the school to be on campus. However, in case of abuse or threats to staff, students or other parents, the school may ban the person responsible for the abuse or threats from entering the school.

7. Parents' Communication and Involvement

Our Admissions & Student Care (ASC) team aims to assist parents with any enquiries and parent support. For any general enquiries, appointments, enrolment procedures or other administrative support, please reach out to our ASC team via email/hotline and they will direct you to the relevant contact person. In cases of emergencies outside of school hours (8 am – 5 pm; Monday – Friday), please contact our hotline (0906846939) via message.

Our school will email you regular updates to keep you informed of important school announcements and other student care matters. Do whitelist our email so that you can receive our email.  You may approach our school IT support to find out how to whitelist the school email.

For weekly menu and class activities, please refer to Seesaw. If you have changed your email address, kindly update the STAR PORTAL and inform your class teacher.

Should an urgent message need to be communicated to parents, you will be notified via the hotline number 0906846939. To reach our hotline number, you may call or leave a message via SMS/WhatsApp. The hotline number is not available on other messaging applications.

Seesaw is an all-in-one platform that connects parents, students and teachers. Through this app, we hope to keep in touch with parents and allow you to closely follow your child’s learning journey at AHI. Updates on classroom activities, class photos, the school menu and your child’s learning experiences will be posted to you via this platform. As the teachers and LTAs will be focusing on guiding and caring for your children, photographs of the students will only be posted at least 2 times a week.

Seesaw will be used as a communication application between parents and teachers for all student matters. In addition to class updates, you may also communicate with the class teacher during school hours with regard to academic and well-being matters. This can be done via the messaging function within the app. Please note that caring for your child is the teacher’s priority and the class teachers are not always on their devices; responses may not be immediate.

For more information on how to use Seesaw as a parent, please refer to AHI Seesaw Parent Guide below.

AHI Seesaw Parent Guide

Except for their child, parents are advised not to post photos (downloaded from Seesaw) of other children on their public profiles or websites due to privacy reasons.

We will update our social media platform such as Facebook, and website regularly with photos and videos of our school activities.

Parents have a wealth of experience, knowledge and ideas which can be a huge asset to the school and the students. We welcome parents to join the Parent’s Volunteer Group. For more information, please contact the Student Care Team. 

You are invited to attend the two meetings, which will be held twice a year. The meetings will be an opportunity for parents to meet with the teachers to discuss the progress of their children. A written report will also be given during the final meeting before the academic year ends. The official Parent-Child-Teacher Meetings are scheduled and publicised in the School Year Calendar. Parents are also encouraged to take the initiative in meeting and communicating with teachers throughout the school year.

Open communication between parents and teachers is vital. No matter how trivial it may seem, if you have any queries or issues concerning your child, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school.

Kindly schedule an appointment if you would like to meet a teacher, the Principal or the Head of School. Should you require translation from English to Vietnamese, kindly inform the school in advance.

8. Additional School Services

School Bus Routes

Depending on the bus route and traffic, the students will arrive at school before their morning class schedule starts. In the afternoon, students will depart from school at 4.05 pm after the CCAs or After School Care Service. The pick-up/drop-off time will be communicated to you by our Student Care Team. Timings may be subject to changes and our Student Care Team will inform you should this occur.

One Way versus & Two – Ways

One way: Student only takes the bus once a day at a fixed session – either during pick-up in the morning OR drop-off in the afternoon. 

Two ways: Student takes a round trip on the bus each day – during pick-up and drop-off times.

School Bus Fees

For more information on bus fees, please refer to our Schedule of Fees at:

Bus fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. There will be no deductions for holidays or any other reason(s) during any given month. If a child takes the bus less than 5 days a week, the bus fees specified in the Schedule of Fees will still apply and will not be pro-rated.

School Bus Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures 

  1. The school bus will ONLY pick-up and drop-off the student at addresses registered via the school bus form. Other addresses will not be accepted. Should you wish to change your registered home address, please inform our Student Care Team at least one (1) week in advance so that we are able to re-schedule the bus service for your child. To ensure the smooth operation of the bus route for other children, we can only make a limited number of changes throughout the school year subject to availability.
  2. Each bus has a designated bus phone number.
  3. If your child will not be taking the bus to school during pick-up, please inform the bus assistant via the provided bus phone number by the morning. For any changes in transportation arrangements i.e. not taking the school bus in the afternoon during drop-off, kindly notify the school at least one (1) day in advance, as we are unable to accommodate last-minute requests. This is to ensure the child’s safety and avoid adversely affecting the bus schedule for other children.
  4. A bus assistant will be present on the bus to ensure the safety and well-being of the students.
  5. All bus assistants will share their ‘Live Location’ via WhatsApp when they depart from school. All parents who use the bus service are required to download this app so that they can keep track of the bus movements and possible delays. In certain cases, your child may be on different buses for pick-up and drop-off. Hence you might be added to multiple WhatsApp groups. Please note that this WhatsApp group chat is only created for location tracking, traffic condition updates and informing the bus assistant if the child will not take the school bus.
  6. All parents/guardians MUST be contactable on the supplied phone numbers during pick-up and drop-off time.
  7. Parents are encouraged to be present at the pick-up/drop-off point 5 minutes before the estimated arrival of the bus (following the live location). Our school bus can only wait for a maximum of 5 minutes at each address. In the event that the parent is not contactable and is not present at the location, we are unable to return at a later time and will move on to the next location.
  8. Due to the safety of other children on the school bus, the driver/bus assistant is not allowed to leave the vehicle to pick-up/drop-off a child at the lobby, apartment unit or any other areas where the vehicle cannot access. The parent/guardian must accompany the child to where the vehicle is parked.
  9. Parents/guardians are required to sign the acknowledgement during pick-up/drop-off times to verify that their child has been picked up / dropped off by the school bus.
  10. Due to space constraints and safety on the bus, parents are not allowed to board the school bus together with their children. For new students, we advise parents to personally drop-off/pick-up their children at the school for the first few days, before they take the school bus.
  11. If a child needs to take medication, we advise parents to administer it before the pick-up or after the drop-off. Alternatively, our School Nurse at school will administer the medication at school (please refer to Health & Safety Section for more information). In such cases, a Medication Administration Authorisation Record needs to be signed when medication is being handed over directly to our School Nurse or Bus Assistant stating the usage and dosage.

School Bus – Student Rules

Parents are encouraged to remind their children of the school bus safety rules and their roles and responsibilities while taking the bus:

  1. Students must listen and follow the safety instructions of the bus assistant at all times.
  2. Every student is required to wear a seat belt on the bus throughout the bus ride. If a child refuses to wear a seatbelt, the school reserves the right to stop the child from boarding the bus.
  3. School bags are to be placed in front of the child on the floor and must stay clear from the walking aisle.
  4. Prohibited items including toys are not allowed on the school bus. With the exception of toys that are requested by the class teacher for school activities, these items are to be kept in the school bag throughout the duration of the bus ride.
  5. Only drinking water is allowed on the bus. Consumption of food is not allowed due to hygiene and safety reasons.
  6. Should a student misbehave or cause damage on the bus, the student will cease to take the bus for safety concerns.  
  7. Every school bus has a thermometer. Bus assistants reserve the right to check a student’s temperature in the case where the child shows symptoms of having a fever. Any student whose temperature is 37.5 degrees and above will not be allowed to travel on the school bus. Parents may bring the child to school when the temperature has gone down.
  8. When there is a serious epidemic outbreak that involves respiratory droplet transmission e.g., COVID-19, all students, bus assistants and drivers are required to wear a mask upon boarding the school bus.

School Bus – Other Information

Our school bus vehicle will undergo safety maintenance on a regular basis. During these days, please be informed that a substitute bus vehicle will be used. When an appointed bus driver or assistant for a particular route is on sick leave, there will be a substitute to cover their duties. All drivers and assistants (including substitute drivers and assistants) will be in school uniform.

In the event that the school bus faces a technical difficulty during pick-up/drop-off, the school will inform parents of the alternative arrangements and temporary changes.

Version 1:

The After School Care programme is catered for parents who are not able to pick up the children in time due to work commitment or other reasons. The After School Care Service will include homework supervision, some activities such as reading in the library, Lego play and outdoor play. 

Parents may register for the After School Care service at least 6 hours in advance if they know that they are unable to pick up their children at school on time. To register and make payment in advance, please contact our Student Care Team.

Please note that students will automatically be enrolled in the After School Care programme if they are not picked up on time. This is a chargeable service (which is charged per hour) and is not included in the school fees. For primary school students, the After School Care programme begins from 3pm (no CCAs) or at 4pm (enrolled in a CCA).

For after-school care service from 5 pm to 6 pm, one-week advance booking is required. 

For more information, kindly refer to


Co-curricular Activities are an integral part of AHI’s holistic approach to learning. We value students learning outside of the core academic subjects and these form an essential part of the school’s curriculum. Co-curricular activities are offered as fee-paying after school activities and parents are strongly encouraged to enrol their child for the co-curricular (after school) activities. For students who have opted for school bus from school to home, it is compulsory for them to take up either CCA for 5 days or after-school care services.

Before the start of next semester, parents will be sent a link to choose their preferred CCAs for their child. Allocation of CCAs will be done on a first come, first served basis and is subject to availability of slots.

For information about CCA, please refer to Please note that CCAs are not included in the tuition fees.

The school partners with learning support experts to address developmental and learning challenges that the students may be facing. As such, the school reserves the right to request for additional support from parents e.g., shadow teachers as and when deemed essential at any point during the enrolment of the child. Kindly note that parents are responsible for the fees incurred for additional support. In circumstances where these additional supports are not provided due to various reasons, the school may involve parents to review their child’s enrolment and discuss a suitable course of action.

AHI library provides a wide variety of resources that are appropriate for the range of age and language abilities of our students, mindful of the diverse, multicultural population, and support AHI curriculum.

This document (link) contains information about accessing the following library services:

  • Access and Hours
  • Borrowing Guidelines
  • Book File
  • Library Behaviour
  • Lost or damaged library book policy
  • Digital Resources
  • Library Programmes and Activities
  • Parental Involvement
  • Policy Review

English as Additional Language (EAL) aims to support students who may not have yet attained the level of competency for English learning for the grade level.  This programme, support to the students aims to develop literacy in English by small group learning.  This allows your child to feel motivated in learning in school.  The programme, conducted by trained English teachers, will give additional support to your child:

  • To speak English
  • To listen and comprehend spoken English
  • To read and write English
  • Learning through individualised teaching of English

This programme aims to ensure that the children can learn at a suitable pace, and eventually lead to success in their learning and keep up with the learning pace with the other children in the same class.

The student may be selected to participate in the EAL programme during curriculum time.  The EAL teacher will monitor and assess your child throughout the programme.  The student will be able to exit from the programme once the student is able to follow the pace of English learning in the class.  The duration of the programme ranges from one term to four terms.

9. Partnership Benefits

Discover Exclusive Partnership Benefits for Your Family!

At Anne Hill International School, we have joined forces with a range of fantastic organisations and businesses within the community to bring you exclusive benefits for both AHI parents and students. For the AY 2023-2024, here is what you can look forward to:

  • FOX Football: Enjoy a 10% discount on course registrations. Simply present the provided image on your phone screen at FOX Football to claim this special offer
  • Chess Plus Academy: Embark on learning journeys with a 10% discount on courses hosted at Chess Plus Academy learning centre
  • 24beat Music School: Delve into the world of music with a 10% discount on individual classes at 24beat’s centre
  • Raffles Medical: Families from Anne Hill International School are offered special discounts and offers for student health checks and other medical services at Raffles Medical and Expatriate Care, Level 3 American International Hospital (AIH) throughout the year. For more information, please click on the following (link)
  • ACC: Receive a complimentary screening for flat feet and scoliosis by scheduling an appointment and mentioning that you are an AHI parent or student
  • Oriental Medical Clinic: Nurture your well-being with a 20% discount on wellness treatments at the clinic
  • Body Impact: Elevate your wellness journey with a 15% discount on purchases at the Body Impact store by showcasing your parent/guardian/student card. Use CODE AHI23 when ordering online at (
  • Moc Huong Spa: A 10% discount on selected spa services and a 20% discount on selected salon services across all establishments will be extended to all staff and parents of children attending Anne Hill International School. To receive the discount, kindly present either your employee’s or parent’s tap card
  • Warehouse: Enjoy a generous 20% discount on purchases (only applicable to wine) across all Warehouse branches upon presentation of your parent/guardian card
  • L’usine: Redeem a 10% discount on both dine-in and takeaway menus (excluding alcohol) at any L’usine location city-wide. Simply show your parent, guardian, or student card before requesting the bill
  • Anh Coffee & Bistro: Enjoy an exclusive 10% discount at the cafe, extended to the entire AHI community, including staff, students, and parents. Simply display your AHI tap card at Anh Coffee & Bistro before requesting the bill to receive the offer.

10. Student Withdrawal


Things to do

Request Timeline


Notify the School and AHI Withdrawal Form

A 60-day written notice must be given prior to the child’s last day at the school. Parents must complete and submit Anne Hill International School’s Withdrawal Notification Form on time, 60 days before the withdrawal date. Failure to do so will result in the forfeit of the refund amount.

Parents may download the form below and send the completed form to our Student Care Team via email.

 AHI Withdrawal Form

To notify the school 60 days before the withdrawal date


Academic Recommendation, Report & Certificate of Attendance

Anne Hill International School will assist students with their transition to other schools as much as we can. Kindly inform the Student Care Team if you would like our Preschool Principal, Head of School or teachers to provide a recommendation letter. AHI Academic Report and Certificate of Attendance are also available upon request; however, please inform the school at least one (1) month in advance.

1 month in advance


Return of Borrowed School Books & Other Items

Students must return all borrowed school books, learning devices and other items that belong to the school (if any) before their last day. Staff, parents and students are responsible for the condition of the items or equipment that they borrow or use from the school. If an item is damaged, vandalised or lost, the borrower or user is responsible for paying for the lost or damaged item.

Before the last day of withdrawal.


Disconnecting Seesaw and Student Account

Parents’ Seesaw accounts will be disconnected from the class after the student’s last day.

After the last day of withdrawal

Parents must complete and submit the School’s  Withdrawal Notification Form 60 days before the withdrawal date. Failure to do so will result in the Security Deposit and tuition fee refund. 

Refunds can only be made for payment of Annual Tuition Fees. 

The instalment plan and late enrolments are not entitled to refunds. 

The refund can only be applied once and  calculated on a pro-rated basis as below:

Daily Refund Rate = Annual Tuition Fees / The Number of School Days

Refund Amount = Daily Refund Rate x Number of School Days Remaining From the Last Day At School until the End of the Academic Year x 75%

The following fees and payment plans are non-refundable at any point in time:

  • Instalment payment plans for school fees
  • Registration fee
  • Prepaid bus fees
  • Co-curricular activity fees
  • School fees (annual and instalment) during school closure due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to epidemic outbreaks*, Acts of Gods, and government directives.

Amounts will be refunded to the company or individual that made the payment at the beginning of the enrolment. All refunds will be in VND.

AHI students are always welcome to re-enrol at the school, and we will prioritise re-enrolments subject to the availability of the class. Kindly note that students will still have to go through the student registration procedure again. This is the ensure that all student information is up to date. A non-refundable Registration Fee (following the Schedule of Fees for the Academic Year that the child is enrolling in) is applicable for all re-enrolments.

For more information on the student registration procedure, kindly refer to our Admissions Process at  and Section (Preparation for School) of the Parent-Student Handbook.

Primary School